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Through the administrative internship, I have had many valuable experiences working side by side with my mentor and internship supervisor.


Standard: Strategically developing, implementing, and evaluating actions to achieve the vision for the school.

Summary: I was responsible for developing and delivering a Professional Development session on; Fear of Love: How Do We Drive Engagement.

Task: This task was connected to the standard by organizing the Professional Development for our school that will guide instruction moving forward for the year.

Reflection: This task helped me grow as an administrator by being able to lead the organization of the PD development and implementation. I learned about the processes involved and the need to be highly organized to implement a PD day for the staff.



Standard: Building and maintaining a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student. 

Summary: I designed a cohort system for our middle school class dismissal. This cohort system was designed to mitigate any potential spread of COVID-19 between the classes.  This system had 2 passing times for all of middle school, Pass 1 would be dismissed right at the bell and Pass 2 would begin once all of the Pass 1 classes had reached their next period.

Task: This task is connected to standard 5a by building a safe and healthy environment for the students by creating a release schedule that is designed to keep potential spread of Covid-19 to potentially inside of just one class "cohort".

Reflection: This helped me grow as a future administrator by allowing me to see how policies are developed to ensure the safety of all of our students. Through working with administration, I was able to see that leg work involved in crafting the various policies needed to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the students.



Standard: Acting according to and promoting the professional norms of integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning, and continuous.

Summary: I facilitated a meeting with the Director to discuss the new curriculum mapping that was created for Social Studies from Preschool to 8th grade. We reviewed the information, made notes on what may need further adjustment and what will be enacted.

Task: This task is connected to the standard by promoting collaboration among the grade levels to drive quality instruction across the grade-levels.

Reflection: This task helped me grow as an administrator by understanding the importance of connecting the content to the standard not just in one grade-level, but ensuring that the curriculum continues to build on itself throughout the Kindergarten through 8th grade curriculum mapping.

Professional Standards: Skills
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